SSC Exam 2015 Application Form Date Result 2015-2016 Admit Card 26-july

SSC Exam 2015-16

What it is?

SSC is short form of Staff Selection Commission that is held responsible for the examination for the personnel’s in the government of India. The posts for which SSC conducts examination are numerous. Some of the posts names are mentioned in the table given below.
 Posts Offered by SSC

Inspector (Income Tax)
Inspector (Examiner)
Inspector (Preventive Officer)
Sub-Inspector (CBI)
Assistant Inspector (Central Excise)
Divisional Accountant
Inspector of Posts
Assistant Enforcement Officer
Auditor, Accountant, UDCs and Tax Assistant
Statistical Investigator Grade-II

Eligibility Norms: 

a)  Qualifications: The qualification for the SSC examination varies as per the requirements of the posts and designation as it may vary from class 10th pass to Master’s.

b)  Age: As per the posts the criterion of age differs and in general it is in between 18 yrs to 40 yrs. The age relaxation is applicable as per the rules of Government and as per the post requirement. 
Fees of Application:  The amount of the fee may vary as per the designation requirement and in general it is Rs.100/- for the applicants of GEN category and no fees for reserved category and female applicants. it can be paid by Net banking or challan issued by the SCC. 
How do I Apply? 

Applicant may apply by online or offline modes. In online mode applicant will have to go to the official website of SSC and apply according to the posts by fulfilling the criteria of the application form and uploading photo as well as sign. In offline mode applicant will have to complete the application and send it along with the documents required to the regional centers as mentioned on the official website. 

Pattern of Exam: 

Examination Pattern & No. Scheme

Tier –I

Multiple Objective Type (2 hrs Duration)
Skill Test/
Personality Test/

General Intelligence & Reasoning
Arithmetical Ability

General Awareness
English Language & Comprehension

Numerical Aptitude


English Comprehension

               TOP Secret Study Techniques to Crack the Exam

Examination Syllabus:

General Intelligence & Reasoning: Verbal and non-verbal type, analogies, spatial visualization, spatial orientation, similarities and differences, problem solving, decision making, analysis, judgement, visual memory, arithmetic number series, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning.

General Awareness: Environment, society, current events, day to day life experience and observations, scientific aspect, India and its neighboring countries, Culture, History, Indian Constitution, Economic Scene, Geography, General Polity, and scientific Research. Sports, etc.

Numerical Aptitude: Use of numbers & number sense, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions and relationships between numbers. ability to translate from one name to another, estimation or prediction of the outcome of computation, sense or order of magnitude, Read more at for recruitment information in India selection of an appropriate operation for the solution of real life problems and knowledge of alternative computation procedures to find answers, arithmetical concepts and relationship between numbers and not on complicated arithmetical computation.
Arithmetic Ability: Problems relating to Number Systems, Profit and Loss, Computation of Whole Numbers, Average, Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Percentage, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Ratio and Proportion, Use of Table and Graphs, Interest, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time etc.

English Language & Compression: Knowledge of English Language, error recognition, Vocabulary, Grammar, fill in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles etc), Sentence Structure, Spellings, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words, etc, passages and comprehension of passages. 

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