WBJEE Admission 2015-16, Brochure, Procedure, Last Date, Form , Card

Exam Details: Engineering education in West Bengal has an exclusive position in Indian Education Scenario for producing array of intellectuals and Nobel Laureates. The selection to various west Bengal engineering colleges are held through the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations (WBJEE) Board. For the engineering courses in west Bengal entrance exams in engineering & technology, dairy technology, architecture, the candidate has to apply for ‘E’ form which contains the question related to PCM- physics, chemistry & mathematics group.

Exam Name which is going to be held: JEHOM (Joint Entrance Examination Hotel Management and Research)
Educational Qualification: Desired or Eligible applicants can be citizens of India can have passed 12th examination in general stream in Arts, Science, Commerce from West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (10th) examination.

Exam Pattern: In west bengal JEE has three papers conducted in same day as according to WB JEE paper planning as below.

Paper 1: Mathematics
Paper 2: Physics & chemistry
Paper 3: Biological sciences

Students who are appearing for engineering will opt for engineering & architectures courses; will have to appear for paper 1 & paper 2. For students who are appearing for in medical will opt paper 2 & Paper 3. WBJEE entrance paper consists 80 % questions is of multiple choice question and 20% short answer. For more WBJEE question pattern .

The latest Pattern of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WB JEE) to get admission into wbjee engineering degree courses is as follows:

Each wbjee question paper (Biology, Physics + Chemistry - one paper, Mathematics) carries 100 marks.

The wbjee question paper consists of multiple Choice type questions (MCQ) and short answer type questions .80% marks is allotted to Multiple Choice type questions (MCQ), (four options including single correct answer) and 20% marks will be allotted to short answer type questions. For each incorrect response (answer) 33.33% of mark is deducted.

Application Fee Details: - Application Fee for this recruitment is Rs. 400/- For General Category.

How to accomplished Candidature for this Recruitment: - Interested & Eligible students can download the application from Information Brochure from official website (www.wbjeeb.in) and take a print out of it. You can also get the application form from Board’s Office by sending a written request by post to the “Registrar”.

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