UPCAT Challan Form 2015|2016|Online Download 2015|Exam

About UPCAT: The University of the Philippines College Admission Test, commonly known as UPCAT, is part of the admission requirements of the University of the Philippines, administered to graduates of Philippine and foreign high schools. As the premier State University, UP offers a wide range of degree programs. Some degree programs are offered in only one campus (e.g., BS Nursing, BA Filipino) while others are offered in two or more campuses (e.g., B Fine Arts, BS Statistics). Most of these require qualification through the UP College Admission Test (UPCAT).

Exam Name which is going to be held: BDS

Eligibility Criteria: Interested & Eligible candidates can be completed in Under Graduate program such as Bachelor of Dental Surgery.

Exam Details: All India Common Admission Test” “UPCAT-DENTAL” for admission to Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) course for the year 2015-2015 for 23 private Dental Colleges of U.P. Interested & Eligible candidates for all seats in the private Dental Colleges of Uttar Pradesh who are participating in the test. The University of the Philippines has eight constituent universities -- UP Diliman, UP Baguio, UP Los Baños, UP Manila, UP Visayas, UP Cebu, UP Mindanao, and the Open University.

How to accomplished Candidature for this Recruitment: - You may download the UPCAT forms online. You can visit the UPCAT website (http://upcat.up.edu.ph/) to get the downloadable UPCAT forms. Here are the direct download links:

A.) General Information –
 download and read this, do not fill out the forms without first reading this general information bulletin thoroughly.

UPCAT Form 1 –
 This is the Personal Data Sheet that you have to fill out completely.

UPCAT Form 2 –
 This is the High School Records form that is for your school administrator to fill out.

After you’ve downloaded the two UPCAT 2015 forms, print them on 8.5″x13″ paper, fill them out correctly and completely then submit them as soon as UPCAT application opens.

Candidates are advised to visit at official website for more Information and related query of this Recruitment Rally.

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