Exam Name which is going to be held: B.Arch, MBBS, MBA, MCA and etc.
is helping to get the Challan Form of OJEE from the following Procedure:
Note: - Candidates are
requested to carefully follow the given details below and implement it as
1. As per the
requirement candidates firstly have to log on to the Official Website of OJEE
and i.e. www.odishajee.com
2. Candidates have
to move to the Recruitment /Careers Section of Website.
3. After that they
have to follow the Online Application Form and move to the redirected page,
follow the instructions as per they appeared on screen.
4. Provide
requested details which concerned about your Educational Qualifications and
Personal Information, upload your picture & Signature in defined size.
5. After these
procedure candidate may paid their described Application Fee either
Online/Off-Line Mode.
6. In Online Mode
candidate may paid their application fee through Internet Banking and
Debit/Credit Card.
7. In Offline Mode
candidate may take a print of system generated challan form and provide the-information
regarding Like Name, Parentage, Category, Branch Name and amount etc.
8. Every Challan
Form has two Parts and they are Bank’s copy and Candidate’s copy. After
submission of Application Fee, candidate has to preserve the candidate’s copy
till the exam is over and after that too.
9. Candidates are
advised to bring the Challan form’s candidate copy in the examination with
them, Otherwise candidates will not be permitted to appear in the Examination.
Application Fee Details:
- Application Fee for this recruitment is Rs. 500/- For General Category.
Important Dates:
Starting Date for issue of Admit Card: 10/02/2012
Last date of sale of application forms: 15/03/2012
Last date of receipt of completed application form: 22/03/2012
Exam Date for OJEE Exam: 06/05/2012
IInd Test of Orissa Jee 2012:- 13/05/2012
Orissa Jee Result: last week of May, 2012
Last date of sale of application forms: 15/03/2012
Last date of receipt of completed application form: 22/03/2012
Exam Date for OJEE Exam: 06/05/2012
IInd Test of Orissa Jee 2012:- 13/05/2012
Orissa Jee Result: last week of May, 2012
Exam Details: Odisha JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) 2012 for various Undergraduate & Postgraduate degree course in B.Arch, MBBS, BDS, B.Pharm, MCA, MBA, M.Tech, M.Arch, M.Pharm courses in Universities, Government and Private Colleges.
How to accomplished
Candidature for this Recruitment: -
A) Eligible candidate for payment of Rupee 550/- from the following branches of Post Office.
B) Application form can be filled here on "JEE-2012 Online Application Form": Desired applicant has to submit the receipt of confirmation slip and DD to chairman, OJEE-2012.
Submit Resume Now
B) Application form can be filled here on "JEE-2012 Online Application Form": Desired applicant has to submit the receipt of confirmation slip and DD to chairman, OJEE-2012.
Submit Resume Now
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