KRLMPCA: Karnataka
Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association (KRLMPCA)
conducts a common entrance test for admission to Bachelor Degree level
programme in Medical, Dental and Engineering field offered by Medical, Dental
and Engineering.
Exam Name which is going to be held: MBBS, BDS, BE
Eligibility Criteria: Eligible or Desired students passed II PUE 12th (Intermediate) with Physics, Chemistry Biology and English with more than 50 percent marks in aggregate in PCB. Applicants can secure 50 percent of marks i.e. 90 marks out of total marks of 180 in UGCET 2012 to secure rank and desirable for counseling.
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How to accomplished Candidature for this Recruitment: -
1.) Interested applicants can to download the applications and should accompany it with a Demand Draft of Rs.1000/- drawn in favor of KRLMPCA payable at Bangalore.
2.) Desired & Eligible candidates can be sent by speed post to the address mentioned only. The Chief Examiner, Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association (Regd.) (K.R.L.M.P.C.A.) Flat No.143, 4th floor, “SURYAMUKHI”, Garden Apartments, # 21, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore-560 001, Karnataka. Read more at recruitment2013info.blogspot.in for recruitment information in India.
Exam Pattern: KRLMPCA Common Entrance Test comprises of 4 papers namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. There will be an option of attending Biology paper, which is depended on the choice made by applicants. Each question paper comprises of 60 objective type questions. The maximum time given for answering each paper is 70 minutes.
Candidates are advised to visit at official website for more Information and related query of this Recruitment Rally.
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Exam Name which is going to be held: MBBS, BDS, BE
Eligibility Criteria: Eligible or Desired students passed II PUE 12th (Intermediate) with Physics, Chemistry Biology and English with more than 50 percent marks in aggregate in PCB. Applicants can secure 50 percent of marks i.e. 90 marks out of total marks of 180 in UGCET 2012 to secure rank and desirable for counseling.
Click to Download Challan Form
How to accomplished Candidature for this Recruitment: -
1.) Interested applicants can to download the applications and should accompany it with a Demand Draft of Rs.1000/- drawn in favor of KRLMPCA payable at Bangalore.
2.) Desired & Eligible candidates can be sent by speed post to the address mentioned only. The Chief Examiner, Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association (Regd.) (K.R.L.M.P.C.A.) Flat No.143, 4th floor, “SURYAMUKHI”, Garden Apartments, # 21, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore-560 001, Karnataka. Read more at recruitment2013info.blogspot.in for recruitment information in India.
Exam Pattern: KRLMPCA Common Entrance Test comprises of 4 papers namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. There will be an option of attending Biology paper, which is depended on the choice made by applicants. Each question paper comprises of 60 objective type questions. The maximum time given for answering each paper is 70 minutes.
Candidates are advised to visit at official website for more Information and related query of this Recruitment Rally.
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