About INTEGRATED COMMON: Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET) will be held on May 18, 2012 by Andhra University on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE). The Entrance Exam is conducted for the admission to the Master of Computer Application (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses in Andhra Pradesh.
A. Analytical Ability: 75
B. questions Mathematical Ability: 75
C. questions Communication Ability: 50 questions
Exam Name which is going to be held: MBA, MCA
Eductional Qualification:
1. For Admission to MBA: Eligible candidates admission in to MBA can have passed a Under Graduate Degree Examination of minimum 3 years duration from any recognized board university
2. For Admission to MCA: Desired candidates admission in to MCA courses can have passed Under Graduate Degree Examination of 3 years duration in any subject with Mathematics at 12th level.
1. For Admission to MBA: Eligible candidates admission in to MBA can have passed a Under Graduate Degree Examination of minimum 3 years duration from any recognized board university
2. For Admission to MCA: Desired candidates admission in to MCA courses can have passed Under Graduate Degree Examination of 3 years duration in any subject with Mathematics at 12th level.
Application Fee Details:
- Application Fee for this recruitment is Rs. 250/- For General Category.
Exam Pattern: The ICET question paper contains multiple choice
objective type test with 200 questions. It is divided into three
sections and the should finish the paper with in 1.00 hour 30 Minutes
(150 minutes). Each question is awarded one mark and there is no
negative marking. Questions with multiple answers will not be considered
for scoring. Till last year the qualifying marks for the test were 25%
of the total marks.Read more at recruitment2013info.blogspot.in for recruitment
information in India.
A. Analytical Ability: 75
B. questions Mathematical Ability: 75
C. questions Communication Ability: 50 questions
How to accomplished
Candidature for this Recruitment: - Applications also can be submitted ONLINE. However, a copy of the
downloaded application, a passport size photograph and Demand Draft. For 250/ drawn in favor of “The Secretary, APSCHE”, payable at
Hyderabad should be submitted to The Convener, ICET 2012. Filled
Applications can be sent to the following ICET 2012 Address along
with Demand Draft to the The Convener, ICET – 2012, Department of
Commerce & Business Management, Kakatiya University, Vidyaranyapuri,
WARANGAL – 506 009, A.P., India.
Candidates are advised to visit at official website for more
Information and related query of this Recruitment Rally.
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