Health Department Recruitment 2016-17 Application Form|Notification|Online Apply

In 1986, several of the worlds' national health departments met to establish an international guideline by which health departments operate. The meeting was in Ottawa, Canada, and hence the guidelines established are known as the Ottawa Charter.

HEALTH DEPARTMENT Recruitment 2016 is opening up opportunities for the competent candidates to be absorbed in the position of Pharmacist.

·         Designation to be framed up for HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT 2013Pharmacist

·         Preferential Location of Placement for HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT 2016Lucknow

·         Desired Standards/ Norms of Eligibility for HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT 2016: For this post candidate should have qualified Pre-pharmacy students must complete at least two years of college to be eligible for pharmacy school, though most complete 3-4 years of a bachelor's degree program. Aspiring pharmacists aren't required to pursue specific majors; however, undergraduate coursework in physics, chemistry, biology and calculus can provide a foundation for advanced pharmacy classes.from any Government recognized university.

·       Procedure for Registering your Candidature for HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT 2016We are requested to candidate to attach there all documents & applications must be reached at the following address in the prescribed format before the last date of form submission with all necessary attested documents, which show the eligibility of the candidates
      Director(Paramedical) Medical & Health Services,
      Uttar Pradesh 4D(2),
      Section, II Floor,
      Health Building, Lucknow

·         Vital Dates to Consider for HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT 2016: Refer to official website for latest updates

Candidate must visit the official website of HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT 2016 and ensure all the correctness before applying to the above mentioned job.



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