IIT Gandhinagar Recruitment 2014-15|Online Apply|Application Form|Notification

The Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (hereafter IITGN) was founded in the year 2008. It is currently located in Chandkheda, which is about a 15-minute drive from both Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, Gujarat. 

IIT GANDHINAGAR Recruitment 2013 is opening up opportunities for the competent candidates to be absorbed in the position of Post-doctoral.

  • Designation to be framed up for IIT GANDHINAGAR RECRUITMENT   2013: Post-doctoral

  • Preferential Location of Placement for IIT GANDHINAGAR RECRUITMENT 2013:Gandhinagar 

  • Compensation Packages/ Scale of Pay/ Pay Structure for IIT GANDHINAGAR RECRUITMENT   2013: Rs.30000/-

  • Desired Standards/ Norms of Eligibility for IIT GANDHINAGAR RECRUITMENT 2013: Intrested aspraints who wish to apply for this post must posess the following skill and criteria: PhD from the recognized university. 

  • Procedure for Registering your Candidature for IIT GANDHINAGAR RECRUITMENT   2013: Interested or desired aspraints may complete their application along with Date of Birth, Qualification, Experience and Postal address with respective certificates and relevant document should reach to The Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujrat.

Candidate must visit the official website of IIT GANDHINAGAR RECRUITMENT   2013 and ensure all the correctness before applying to the above mentioned job.

Official website of IIT GANDHINAGAR RECRUITMENT : www.iitgn.ac.in


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