Railway Recruitment 2016-2017, Jobs, Vacancy, Openings, Career, Exam

rrb.co.in Railway Recruitment 2015, Result, Exam Date, Notification, Application Form, Challan,  Online apply, Admit Card, Jobs Vacancy 2015, Openings, Career.

To envisage a dream career, RAILWAY is opening up opportunities for the competent candidates to be absorbed in the position of Helper. The details of the opportunities and the cardinal measures of application procedure are termed as under/ underneath for RAILWAY:

  • Designation to be framed up: Helper

  • Preferential Location of Placement: Hubli

  • Compensation Packages/ Scale of Pay/ Pay Structure: Not Specified

  • Desired Standards/ Norms of Eligibility:  Candidate must be completed 10th class or ITI from recognized university or institution.
  • Procedure for Registering your Candidature: Eligible candidate can download application format form the website and i.e. http://www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in.fil up the form and attach photograph, attest with signature and super scribe “Application for erstwhile Group `D’ post  – South Western Railway”, on the envelope. Candidate should have sent payment receipt and copies of all relevant certificates to the following address:-Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, DRM Office Compound, South Western Railway, Hubli-580 020 only by ordinary post.

  • Essential Fees for Remittance:  The application fee for gen/ OBC category Candidates is Rs.40. This fee should have remitted form Indian postal order from any post office drawn in favour of FA&CAO/SWR/HUBLI and payable at Hubli.

  • Vital Dates to Consider: Last date for Receipt application will be 28 September.

More Important Notification For You

Candidate must visit the official website of RAILWAY and ensure all the correctness before applying to the above mentioned job.


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