Narmada Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015-16, IBPS, Clerk, PO, IT Specialist Officer, Result, Challan, Admit Card

Bihar Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015

Uttar Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015

Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015

Purvanchal Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015

Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Recruitment 2015

To envisage a dream career, NARMADA GRAMIN BANK is opening up opportunities for the competent candidates to be absorbed in the position of Clerk-cum-Cashier. The details of the opportunities and the cardinal measures of application procedure are termed as under/ underneath for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK:

  • Designation to be framed up for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK: Clerk-cum-Cashier

  • Preferential Location of Placement for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK: Mumbai

  • Compensation Packages/ Scale of Pay/ Pay Structure for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK: Rs 4400 to 13200/- PM

  • Desired Standards/ Norms of Eligibility for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK: Eligible and Interested candidate should have Degree from any recognized university in any discipline. Diploma in Banking recognized by central/state government or union territory.

  • Procedure for Registering your Candidature for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK: Candidates who are willing to be considered for the jobs may Apply through prescribed application form at Post box no. 8364 Jogeshwari west Mumbai 400102.

  • Essential Fees for Remittance for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK: Eligible candidate can pay the fee demand draft (For SC/PWD/ST Candidates : Rs.50/- For Others : Rs.300/-) by a scheduled bank payable at INDORE in favour of NARMADA MALWA GRAMIN BANK.

Gramin Bank application form details 2015
  • Vital Dates to Consider for NARMADA GRAMIN BANK:we are requested to Candidates to visit the official website for more Information.

GRAMEENA BANK 2015, Exam Date 2015-15, Pattern, Notification 2015
Candidate must visit the official website of NARMADA GRAMIN BANK and ensure all the correctness before applying to the above mentioned job.

More Important Notification For You


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