CSIR IHBT Recruitment 2015-16, Jobs, Vacancy, Openings, Career, Exam

Information About CSIR IHBT : Govt. of Himachal Pradesh took up initiative in early seventies to set up a CSIR lab to make prudential use of the natural resources of the region. After several levels of discussions a formal request was made by then Chief Minister of HP to Vice President, CSIR in 1982 for initiating the matter, and giving final shape to the proposal .

Offered Post by this Recruitment: Scientist in Himachal Pradesh.

Candidature Requirements : Eligible and interested students or candidate should have Ph.D. submitted in Biological Sciences/ Biochemical Sciences/ Chemical Sciences/Biophysical Sciences or area relevant to nanotechnology.

Important Dates to keep in Mind: Last Date for Application Submission Will be 22nd Feb 2013. Read more at recruitment2013info.blogspot.in for recruitment information in India.

Fellowship/Emoluments for this Recruitment: Selected candidates salary will be Rs. 15600-39100/-pm.

Age Limit : Candidate age should not more than 32 years.

Completion Mode of Application: Interested or desired candidate may complete their application along with Date of Birth, Qualification, Experience and Postal address with respective certificates and relevant document should reach to Administrative Officer, CSIR-I.H.BT,Palampur-176 061 (Himachal Pradesh) by sending a requisition along with a Self-Addressed Stamped envelope (27 cms x 10 cms) bearing postal stamp of RS.10/-by 22.02.2013.

Required Fees for this Recruitment & Mode of Payment: Eligible and interested candidate who wish to apply for this recruitment can pay Rs.100/- Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of "Director, CSIR-IHBT" payable at Palampur (Himachal Pradesh) SBI-Bank Code No. 03632. The last date for receipt of application along with Demand Draft is 08.03.2013.

Selection Procedure for this Recruitment Rally: Selection will be based on merit in Written Examination.

More Important Notification For You

Candidate must visit the official website of CSIR IHBT and ensure all the correctness before applying to the above mentioned job.


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