Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd Recruitment 2016-17 Apply for Overseas Vacancies at

Bridge & Roof Co. (I) Ltd. invites applications from eligible candidates for the following posts under various cadres. The applicant applying for the post must ensure that he/she possesses the required qualification and experience. The selected candidates will be initially posted to Overseas division for location situated in Middle East and South East Asian Countries. The details of the posts...

WBSSC Recruitment 2016-17 Krishi Prayukti Sahayak Posts Department of Agriculture West Bengal

Krishi Prayukti Sahayak Vacancy in WBSSC Recruitment 2016 West Bengal Staff Selection Commission (WBSSC) is looking to hire services of eligible and interested persons for filling up the 1204 empty positions of Krishi Prayukti Sahayak in the Department of Agriculture, Govt. of West Bengal. The desiring candidates keen for the aforesaid position may apply online or through Tathya Mitra Kendras in...

UPSC Recruitment 2016-17 Apply Online for Engineering Services Examination 2016

UPSC Engineers Services Examination 2016 Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invites online applications from capable and keen personnel for filling up the post of Engineers through Engineering Services Examination 2016. Candidates can take action for applying for the job position available at the moment as the vacancy will close 25.03.2016. Applicants will have to abide by the terms and condition...

ASTEC Assam Recruitment 2016-17 Apply for Lower Divisional Assistant Post at

ASTEC Assam Recruitment 2016 Office of the Director, Assam Science Technology and Environmental Council (ASTEC), under the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India invites applications in the prescribed format for the post of Lower Divisional Assistant um Typist. Candidates eligible for the post and domiciled in the state of Assam are welcome to apply before specified date of submission...

NHAI Jharkhand Recruitment 2016-17 Apply for Site Engineer Post in Ranchi at

Site Engineer Vacancy in NHAI Jharkhand National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is in need to hire services of Site Engineers on short term contract basis initially for a period of one year, extended or curtailed as per company requirements. The applicant ensuring to possess the required qualification and experience are welcome to apply for the post before due date of application. Major Highlights...

RHFL Recruitment 2016-17 Apply for Manager (Legal) Post in Repco Home Finance at Chennai

Manager – Legal (Mortgage) Post in RHFL Repco Home Finance Limited (RHFL) invites applications from suitable candidates for selection to the post of Manager - Legal (Mortgages). The qualified and potential persons may put forward their applications in the prescribed format provided that they possess requisite eligibility criteria. The major highlights of Repco Home Finance Ltd. (RHFL) Recruitment...

BPPI Recruitment 2016-17 Apply for Nodal Officer Posts at

Walk-in for Nodal Officer Vacancy in BPPI Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India (BPPI) is seeking to hire the services of Nodal Officers on whole time contract basis for engagement in Varanasi & Sultanpur. Candidates ensuring to fulfill the requisite qualification and other prescribed eligibility criteria are requested to attend walk-in-interview that is scheduled to be conducted...

DGCA Recruitment 2016-17 Apply for Gliding Instructor Post in Pune at

Gliding Instructor Vacancy in DGCA Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), New Delhi has recently circulated recruitment advertisement for filling up the vacant post of Gliding Instructor on short term contract basis. Eligible and capable professionals may apply before due date specified underneath. The necessary details and eligibility conditions on this assignment are provided below. Check...

IOCL Assam Recruitment 2016-17 Apply for Apprentice Posts in Bongaigaon Refinery

Apprentices Posts in IOCL Assam Recruitment 2016 Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is looking for young, energetic and performance oriented persons for empanelment of Apprentices in various trades/Discipline on contract basis for assignment in Bongaigaon Refinery at Dhaligaon, Assam. Apprentices having referred qualifications are welcome to apply on or before due date i.e., 07th March 2016. Job Highlights...

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