Results Details:
We understand your anxiousness for knowing about the IFTM UNIVERSITY exam results and as an initiative, we at recruitment2013info.blogspot.in take note of this vital cusp to offer you your desired information through a single window umbrella solution.
Exam Result: Institute of Foreign Trade and Management (IFTM) was a pioneering attempt to provide the world class professional education in the brass city of Moradabad in the year 1996 by a family of public spirited entrepreneurs.It strives to scale new heights and aspires to forge new partnerships with National & International bodies in order to make an indelible mark on the face of Indian Education.
Important Factors You
must be aware of IFTM UNIVERSITY Exam Results:
Name of the Examination : IFTM UNIVERSITY
Position/ Course for which examination is being held: M.B.A./M.Pharm. (all branches)/M.Tech. (all branches)/M.C.A./M.Sc. (all branches) /B.Tech. (all branches)
B.C.A./B.B.A./B.Com.(Hons.)/B.Sc.(BT/MB/PCM)/ B.Pharm./D.Pharm./Polytechnic (all branches)
& Integrated Courses
Location of the Examination Centres: Moradabad
Date on which Exam was held: We are requested to candidate to know more information to visit official website.
Date of Publication of Exam Results (tentative):
We are requested to candidate to know more information to visit official website.
Download link for Exam Results: http://www.iftmuniversity.ac.in/iftmu/pages/download/exam/even.pdf
Helpdesk numbers: Address : Lodhipur Rajput, Delhi Road (NH-24) Moradabad-244102, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
E-mail : info@iftmuniversity.ac.in
Tel no. : 0591-2360817
Fax : 0591-2360818
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